Sunday, December 9, 2012

Haworthia plants

Haworthia Comptoniana
December 2012

December 2012

Haworthia Pygmaea Accuminata
December 2012

Haworthia Cooperii
December 2012

Haworthia Cymbiformis
December 2012

Haworthia Cooperii Pilifera
December 2012

Haworthia Pygmaea Papillose
December 2012

Haworthia Angustifolia var. Liliputana
December 2012

Haworthia Springbokvlakensis
December 2012

Haworthia Turgida
December 2012

Haworthia Midori Nosono
December 2012

Haworthia Cooperii V. Truncata
November 2012

Haworthia Truncata 'Frosted Tips'
November 2012

Haworthia Truncata 'Frosted Tips'
November 2012

Haworthia Obesa
November 2012

Haworthia Emelyae Major
November 2012

Haworthia Emelyae
November 2012

Haworthia Asperula
November 2012

Various Haworthia
November 2012

Mostly Haworthia
November 2012

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Just a few more shots of various haworthia in the backyard. Feel free to comment, thanks.

Haworthia Cooperii Truncata Mawali Dam
Thanksgiving 2012

Haworthia Truncata Hybrid "Frosted Tips"
Thanksgiving 2012

Haworthia Truncata Hybrid "Frosted Tips"
Thanksgiving 2012

Haworthia Obesa
Thanksgiving 2012

Haworthia Asperula
Thanksgiving 2012

Haworthia Emelyae
Thanksgiving 2012

Haworthia Emelyae Major
Thanksgiving 2012

Haworthia Venosa Tesselata
Thanksgiving 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012

My first Haworthia

What can I say, Haworthias are the shiznit! It started on a trip to wal-mart of all places to pick up a succulent or two. I picked up the unlabled and last of its kind plant in the store and paid the $1.50. After seeing that it not only was going to survive but started showing new pups, I went on google to find out what its name was ( along with some other succulents - big box stores need to label better ). The best I could come up with is Haworthia Reinwardtii or a hybrid/variation. Funny how such a little thing could fuel this desire to collect whatever haworthia I could find/afford. Most I won on ebay for under 5 bucks!  I took some pictures along the way:

Haworthia Reinwardtii
This is the first picture I could find
August 2011

Haworthia Reinwardtii
Here she is in June 2012

Haworthia Reinwardtii
Halloween 2012

Haworthia Reinwardtii 
Top shot
Halloween 2012

Here are some of the others I have obtained.

I will start putting up individual shots soon!