Friday, October 26, 2012

My first Haworthia

What can I say, Haworthias are the shiznit! It started on a trip to wal-mart of all places to pick up a succulent or two. I picked up the unlabled and last of its kind plant in the store and paid the $1.50. After seeing that it not only was going to survive but started showing new pups, I went on google to find out what its name was ( along with some other succulents - big box stores need to label better ). The best I could come up with is Haworthia Reinwardtii or a hybrid/variation. Funny how such a little thing could fuel this desire to collect whatever haworthia I could find/afford. Most I won on ebay for under 5 bucks!  I took some pictures along the way:

Haworthia Reinwardtii
This is the first picture I could find
August 2011

Haworthia Reinwardtii
Here she is in June 2012

Haworthia Reinwardtii
Halloween 2012

Haworthia Reinwardtii 
Top shot
Halloween 2012

Here are some of the others I have obtained.

I will start putting up individual shots soon!